Wednesday 20 October 2010

Downloading from Camera to Mac and Transition and Effects

Monday 27th September
We had a two hour lesson in the first hour me and my group got to do some filming for our Preliminary Task, we tried to do as many different camera angles/shots as possible.  Then we went into the Mac Suite where we were taught how to get our footage from the camera into Final Cut Express. We were also shown how to use transitions and effects whilst editing so we can make our footage look more presentable.

Using the Cameras and Introduction to Final Cut Express

Monday 20th September

We finished storyboarding and were taught how to use the camera and the tripod after a demonstration by our teacher. There are many different camera angles we were shown such as the crane shot, extreme long shot and close up.

Wednesday 22nd September

We were showed the basics of Final Cut Express to learn how to edit footage. We then tried using Final Cut Express on some example footage to get used to editing with FCE and also going on the Macs.


Planning Our Preliminary Task

Today we looked at different camera shots and then started storyboarding our Preliminary Task, deciding the best camera shot and angle for each shot. :)

My First Post

I am glad to be starting my Media Studies course at KBA because it's a new subject to me and I have not done anything like it.
I was introduced to the course and was shown how to set up a blog so I could post.
I was also shown how to use my school email and had a demonstration on how to create an account on Slideshare so I could put powerpoints onto my blog.
 I was then told to get into a group which i'd be with for the rest of the course I chose to be in a group with Matthew Earl, Matthew Johns and Jerome Becks because I can work hard with. We were shown clips of camera shots and movements so we get an idea of what to include when storyboarding.