Tuesday 29 March 2011

Pitch & Opening

Monday 8th November 2010
Opening Idea 1:

A man leaving a court after being proved innocent even though they are guilty of murder and then when he's trying to leave he gets mobbed by paparazzi and as he talks to them the daughter of the mother killed who was also the murderer's friend walks past angry that she has recieved no justice from the courts (could have an extreme close up on the daughter's face as she walks past the murderer.) Later on the daughter is returning home after drinking by herself to try and forget but this only makes her situation worse when the murderer decides to chase her and try to attack. Luckily the daughter makes it home and grabs a weapon (knife) which she then stabs the attacker with. But is then distraught about what she has just done.

Location: Weekley Glebe Field, filmed afternoon or evening.
Pros: Lots of trees for the chase scene
      Big Space

Cons: People walking dogs
      No lighting

Opening Idea 2:

A successful man is waiting in his big house for a delivery he has ordered. This man is in a wheelchair from a past accident. When the delivery comes he recognises the delivery man as the person who used to make his life hell at school... as soon as they look into eachothers eyes there is a flash back and the audience get to see how the man ended up in a wheelchair, it shows how it was the delivery mans fault and therefore explains why the successful man is shocked and angry when he opens the door. When the flashback stops it goes back to the delivery man and the successful man on the doorstep just staring at eachother, the successful man will then be polite and take his parcel and close the door, but then plots his revenge orders something else and requests that delivery man and when he comes to the door he is waiting to torture the man.

Location: My House
Pros: Easy to use various camera shots
      Good lighting

Cons: Space issue because I have 2 dogs
      Children in the house.

We have decided to use Opening Idea 1 because it seems more interesting and easier to do such as location adn access. There could be difficulties if people are walking their dogs, we would just have to pick a time where not many people would be out. However, we would be using a range of different camera shots so our opening would be creative and interesting. We already have ideas for our cast, thinking about who would be suitable playing the characters in our opening.

Wednesday 3rd November 2010

We delievered our significally changed pitch to Mr Henton who then accepted it, thanks to hid advice before we were able to create a better pitch without giving to much away.

Monday 1st November 2010

Today we delivered our pitch to Mr. Henton who unfortunately said that we could not make it because we had already selected actors which we were not supposed to do until our pitch had beeen accepted, we had also gone into to much detail with our overview. So we had to work on our pitch and then do it again another day.

29th October 2010

We spent a a lesson planning the opening for our film, which went well and we got together the idea for our film. These are the 2 ideas we came up with for our films:
A girl who's mother has been killed by a friend, the daughter was angry after she was unable to replace her.
A man see's a person who bullied him as a child, then decides to get his revenge.

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